MRI Seemed Sure of Cancer, Biopsy Clear
My wife and I just went through a tough few weeks waiting on biopsy to come back. My reading of her MRI notes was that there was a high chance of cancer, but none was found. Obviously, we're thrilled, but curious how we got so lucky. Was I misreading the MRI notes? Is it common for MRI readings to lean toward worst case? Thanks.
Liver MRI notes stated:
Ill-defined arterially enhancing 4.0 cm region in the left hepatic lobe with heterogeneous retention of Eovist on hepatobiliary phase, with new diffuse capsular retraction and atrophy of the left hepatic lobe, suspicious for neoplasm. Differential includes mixed type hepatocellular cholangiocarcinoma given capsular retraction and arterial enhancement, cholangiocarcinoma, and less likely metastasis given Eovist retention. Benign considerations such as inflammatory adenoma and atypical focal nodular hyperplasia are considered unlikely.