Do you think the islamic influecnes or the secular/western/global influences are stronger ine central asia?
I don't know about for other countries but for Kazakhstan, I still feel it has been overstated and I still feel the global trends of secularisation is more powerful. A very clear example of this is the Bishimbayev case where a big chunk of Kazakh society pushed for his arrest and for the more protections of victims of domestic violence. If that backlash had not happened, then I would be pretty sure Bishimbayev's case would have been sept under the rug. And another interesting thing is that when that case was going on, when Jah Khalib went on a islamic podcast and told how women should dress modestly, he and the podcast got a lot of backlash from that. I doubth this movement would have been triumphant is most of the country is actually becoming more overwhemingly religious. And I am pretty sure the backlash to the Hijab ban in schools was mute compared to the Bishimbayev case.
So imo opinion I would still feel Kazakhstan will remain overwhelmingly secular and most of the country will be more in line with global trends than a rise in religiosity. And I feel that for religious people, I feel it's more like a "shisha/kpop islam" where they may more culturally identify with Islam and maybe display more outward religiosity but still partake in global culture rather than be a hardcore salafist (at least that is what I see with most halal lifestyle influencers).
For other countries I am not so sure. Unlike Kazakhstan, islamic influences have been present for a longer period of time and not just popped up after covid. Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have a stronger islamic heritage than Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan (since KG and KZ were nomadic and a lot of them were not muslims until Timur and Oz Beg Khan). With Kyrgyzstan I would say Bishkek and maybe the rest of the north, western influences are stronger but in the south Islamic influences are. All these countries have been affected by the global trends but to varying degrees. Except Turkmenistan of course.