What are the benefits of having a state-sponsored propaganda network that wastes a billion dollars+/yr?

Every time I turn the CBC on they're spouting some biased socialist talking point and it has me questioning why my tax dollars are funding it. I think that the fact that they never leave comments enabled on their YouTube uploads speaks volumes about how people feel about their content.

They're filming a bunch of shows that very few people want to watch, but because it's not their money they're losing, they just keep rolling with it... If Netflix or some other private film studio makes bad content, they don't make as much money, and are forced to reconsider how they choose what content to film or license. If the CBC makes bad content, they just get another few hundred million added to the budget...

I say we wean the CBC off government funding over a few years. In 5 years, if they can't sustain themselves because nobody wants to buy subscriptions or pay for advertisements, then they should feel the pain of a free market and be forced to shut themselves down. (or maybe they start making higher quality shows when people vote with their money on what they want to watch!)

Free market >>>