Expanding on another post earlier. Why doesn’t God just forgive us?
u/TheChristianDude101 has a good question, but I wanted to elaborate because I didn’t see a good answer.
God created everything. God created the earth you walk on, the carbon that makes up your anatomy, and all of the ideas and thoughts you’ve thought.
I understand that the New Testament says that we are already forgiven. But then, why do we need to believe?
The answer we got from that post would say that it is just, it is a fair; the punishment fits the crime so to speak. (I know it’s not a punishment, just a a requirement to get into heaven).
Why? God decided that this is just. God decided that this is the punishment for our sins. Sins that He decided are sins. There was no fundamental natural law before God made it so. God decided that there will be sinning, that we ALL will sin, and that he needs to send his son down to die for these sins. He also decided that we MUST believe, or we will spend ETERNITY in complete and utter torment.
Why did he decide this? For some, belief and faith is easy. For others, like me, it is a struggle. One I’m not sure I’ll be able to grapple with. I have tried many things, including Bible study, church, prayer, opening my heart, etc. Some of us simply can’t believe.
Why can’t God save us all? Or at least the people that don’t hurt other people.
Why aren’t God’s laws representative of human suffering? For example, a gay man, whom is not hurting anyone, but simply not following a structure that God created. Can God not simply overlook this, and allow a deviation in his structure, especially considering that homosexuality does not hurt anyone?
God created every structure that Christian’s stand by today. There are many of us who WANT to believe and who respect God as a concept or as a deity without actually believing that he is real. Why has god decided that hell is just punishment for those who simply weren’t persuaded enough to believe?
If the answer to any of this is, “I don’t know, only God knows” then first and foremost I respect your honesty. Does this answer not put into question your faith? If I knew that every time I dropped a rock it would fall to the Earth and then it suddenly did not, I would certainly start to question my understanding on gravity.
God made the punishment, god made the rules, god made your understanding of hell and justice. Why can’t these concepts reflect a more inclusive, and happier outcome?
(Obviously heaven is happy, mostly speaking about Hell and how the majority of people will go there)
Forgive me for the wall of text. I’m trying to understand.