What's the best possible mix of affordable streaming services?

Hey, y'all, would really love someone to help me out this bind to find an affordable mix of streaming services. Anyone who has experience or knows alternatives to managing different streaming services based on different needs based on where certain programs are streamed? I really don't want to overspend.

In terms of priority ,

  1. English Premier League (soccer) streamed on Fubo. Costs like $26 plus taxes a month for a quarterly subscription.
  2. Netflix for WWE and loads of shows I'm yet to catch up on
  3. Disney+ for anything Marvel/MCU related
  4. Prime....eh, I don't really have anything of preference on it

Stream+ through Telus gives me Disney+, Netflix premium, prime for $38 + taxes a month. I'm hoping not to spend more than $50 a month, but that mix doesn't fully suffice for me.