Asian parents don’t know how to parent

A lot of asian parents had kids because it was and is the norm to have a family and if they didn’t have kids by a certain age people back then would’ve probably viewed them as abnormal or constantly nagged them about having kids. Also wanting to be taken care of in old age.

Consequence? A lot of emotionally fucked up children because our parents only provided financially but not emotionally.

My and my brother don’t get along, I always tell my mother about how I feel bullied by him and how he’s constantly tearing me down to other people. Her response? “stop fighting”. I respond to her asking how it is that i am at fault here, her response? Well, she’s on vacation at the moment in our home country and she threatened to not come back. And a few months back she asked me if i wanted her to die because I stressed her out by being upset that my brother was treating me like shit.

I have told her time and time again that he’s basically bullying me and she acts like im equally at fault, therefore he faces no consequences and continues to treat me like shit to a point where i am contemplating suicide.

I can’t even move out because I can’t afford it and don’t need the stress of being broke on top of being a student.