Stocking ideas for a 14,5gallon/55L tank(60×30×30 cm)

Hi!, I'm currently using this tank for shrimp only, but I was thinking of adding some kind of small shoaling fish. (Ph:6.6-7, Gh: 2, Kh:1)

I was thinking about some kind of Boraras, but I'd like hearing about other options. I've also considered endlers, but how manageable is their population? Bit worried about them overrunning such a small tank. Thanks!

Hi!, I'm currently using this tank for shrimp only, but I was thinking of adding some kind of small shoaling fish. (Ph:6.6-7, Gh: 2, Kh:1)

I was thinking about some kind of Boraras, but I'd like hearing about other options. I've also considered endlers, but how manageable is their population? Bit worried about them overrunning such a small tank. Thanks!