Rate our tank
Hi! What do y'all think of our tank? This has become a really fun hobby for me and my 3yearold but I may have ended up overcrowding our 5.5 gal tank. Let me know if this is absurd and I'll upgrade to a larger one (like a 10 gal) & reinforce the structure below it. My son LOVES the liveliness of the tank and the diversity of friends we have in there.
I acknowledge we have the ridiculous SpongeBob pineapple but the fish love it. We added a ton of plants and rocks with hiding places / logs with holes to try to give them a fun habitat.
1 betta (name TBD) 2 hi-fin tetras (Stella & Stellita) 2 tetra von rios (Linda & Belinda) 2 endler livebearers (Fred & James) 7 neon tetras (the neophyte community)
3 otos (the Mark Zuckerfishes) 1 loach (Frank the Snake)
5 shrimpies (red/blue/yellow/brick) 1 white dwarf frog (Prince Willy) 2 mystery snails (Deebo and Justin Jefferson/JJ) 3 assassins (the Scott Stapps)
Thanks!!! It's so fun to find a community of fish-people :)
Hi! What do y'all think of our tank? This has become a really fun hobby for me and my 3yearold but I may have ended up overcrowding our 5.5 gal tank. Let me know if this is absurd and I'll upgrade to a larger one (like a 10 gal) & reinforce the structure below it. My son LOVES the liveliness of the tank and the diversity of friends we have in there.
I acknowledge we have the ridiculous SpongeBob pineapple but the fish love it. We added a ton of plants and rocks with hiding places / logs with holes to try to give them a fun habitat.
1 betta (name TBD) 2 hi-fin tetras (Stella & Stellita) 2 tetra von rios (Linda & Belinda) 2 endler livebearers (Fred & James) 7 neon tetras (the neophyte community)
3 otos (the Mark Zuckerfishes) 1 loach (Frank the Snake)
5 shrimpies (red/blue/yellow/brick) 1 white dwarf frog (Prince Willy) 2 mystery snails (Deebo and Justin Jefferson/JJ) 3 assassins (the Scott Stapps)
Thanks!!! It's so fun to find a community of fish-people :)