Noise complaint for a downstairs preacher
I have never sent a noise complaint before but I don’t know how to talk to my downstairs neighbor.
He is very religious, how do I know? Because I’ve heard him preaching for the past three quarters of an hour (now 12:25am) and this is now a normal nightly occurrence. He’s praying, he’s shouting, whooping for joy, singing, exclaiming to the heavens. He has to be a preacher or at least has a goal to be one. He’s got great diction and breath support. I’m a musician, you gotta practice, I get it. I would be fine with it if it wasn’t past midnight. I can hear and feel his praises through the floor.
I can’t think of any way to request this without sounding wildly offensive. How does one ask someone to not pray so loudly? A note? With cookies? Do I email the leasing company, as this is taking place in a large complex? I also don’t know if mental health is involved, so nervous about confronting them personally.
Anyways, please send advice. Or thoughts and prayers. Quietly. Please.