Blood in stool, anxiety very bad.
Hey yall, 38 f here. I have generalized anxiety, health anxiety and ocd. Not on medication. I wish I could be a normal human being and not obsess about my rear end but I do. I always wipe my butt after peeing and I did and saw blood. I never went #2 but I had gone #2 about 2 hrs prior. Anyways, saw blood and my anxiety got bad. Ive been under severe stress. Im pmsing. Just tired. Ended up having to go #2 again (thanks anxiety) and saw a perfect line down it from the side thats been hurting. But none on toilet paper this time. I know logically it's a hem. Because I felt a hem while wiping, but it isn't felt from the outside. Ive also had a bad cough lately and just got recovered from flu A. So haven't been eating the best. How do I stop worrying? Like I can't stop wanting to check. Used to check on myself in the mirror. Not anymore But I am sick of freaking out every time I have a cut or hem. It's affecting my life. Been diagnosed by 3 docs who looked at me and 3 who spoke to me. I dunno how to stop.