I got dumped for not being vegan
I don't know the point of this post or if it's the kind of material here, just some thoughts.
My ex became vegan a few months after we started dating. I told her candidly at the time I would likely never become vegan but would respect her beliefs and try to be self conscious about showing meat. And she told me she was perfectly ok with it.
Over the course of the next 2 years, I watched her personality just change. From a loving and amazing person to something more bitter and extreme, just hated the entire world. If you so much as questioned one of her beliefs, she would lose it. One of her nephews talked to her about fishing once and she just broke down crying in front of everyone. We went to a zoo once and she had an absolute meltdown. It's kinda ironic because she tried to foster a kitten once and didn't last a week because she found it 'annoying.' Who the fuck doesn't like kittens?
Anyways, finally two years later she decided she wasn't ok with it anymore and ended it. I guess there was an almost sort of relief from my end, I think I saw this inevitable end.