I recovered all on my own

For context, my ed began in 2020, i “recovered” in 2022, was more or less entirely recovered in 2023, gained a shit tonne of weight which caused me to relapse in late 2023/2024. I lost my period for 7 months because of my ed, along with the usual ed symptoms that i dont need to get into. I forced myself into recovery and my boyfriend helped for a lot of it, we got together in 2023. The worst part was the fact that while it was incredibly obvious at first glance that i was extremely ill, no one, not teachers, my parents, intervened and recongised that my extreme weightloss was a worry. I went to the doctors for help and was met with “you dont look ill”. Because i “recovered” myself, i never actually properly recovered, which is why i still struggle with my ed to this day. It makes me feel incredibly betrayed that no one stepped in to help me. It really did make me feel invisible. I still struggle now, nowhere near as extreme as back in 2021, at the height of my ed, but all of it is still here just slightly diluted in comparison. Because no one seemed to care, i am still very motivated to “see how bad it can get” to see if anyone will care now. Sorry just a rant post. Hopefully this hasnt triggered anyone, i dont intend for it to come off like that.