Anime NYC 2024 Ticket Exchange Thread (AUG 23-25)

Welcome to the 2024 Anime NYC ticket exchange! Badges have started shipping and while I would rather give it more time so more people actually have badges in hand, we're about a month out now so here we go.


If you're looking to buy/sell/trade tickets for Anime NYC, after parties, screenings, concerts, etc, this is the spot!


Be clear if you are BUYING, SELLING or TRADING, and what kind of ticket you have/you're looking for (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 3-day, ANYC+, after party, screening, concert, etc)


Please update your posts after you make a deal.


Scammers have been a problem in the past so please be careful. If something seems suspicious you should probably avoid the transaction. Keep in mind:

  • Tickets to get into Anime NYC are physical plastic badges. If you are looking for a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 3-day ticket, or ANYC+, it is a physical badge.

  • If someone is trying to sell you a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 3-day, or ANYC+ e-ticket, it is a scam.

  • There is no electronic transfer of badges. Transferring a badge is physically giving someone the physical badge.

  • Sellers should be able to provide an picture of badges in hand, ask for proof someone has a badge.


Anime NYC has an official badge exchange with Lyte, information here: Yes, the prices are marked up, but it is also guaranteed to be a legitimate badge.


Original pricing for 2024 Badges:

ANIME NYC+ $429 (Total $472)

3-DAY $129 (Total $145)

FRIDAY $67 (Total $77)

SATURDAY $67 (Total $77)

SUNDAY $67 (Total $77)


Do not sell lotto autographs or you will be banned, 1 for 1 swaps and giveaways only