Andyroo chat and internet activity 2017 and prior
I read elsewhere the following and wondered if there was anymore info like what site the chat took place on?
Finally, last year, I was contacted by someone who believed they may have had a conversation with Andrew online. A number of clues were present but nothing 100% conclusive. The Police were unable to link the conversation to a real person unfortunately, despite their best efforts, during which we kept it quiet at their request.
(Response from Kevin Gosden) Basically it was a conversation asking for help with £200 rent after a partner had walked out. The handle was andyroo - not many people know we called him roo for years as he is little and bouncy. He was offered help but couldn't provide bank details as he had no account because "I left home when I was 14". When asked if there were problems, he said no, "just felt like it". The chat was brief as a friend came round and bailed him out mid conversation. The police tried everything on the chat provider but they could not trace it back.