Thelema crossover?

THE FOLLOWING IS COPIED AND PASTED FROM SOMEONE ELSE ONLINE BUT IM WONDERING IF THERE ARE ANY FELLOW THELEMITES WHO LIKE AMMON: “in chapter 69 of Confessions, Crowley wrote that he was working on Dictionary of "Greek Cabbala" which was never completed. He saw too many difficulties with Greek, which he didn't find in Hebrew, such as a varying degree of Greek Dialects, which altered his calculations.

It seems, just generally, he was not impressed with any of the examples of "Greek Cabbala" which existed at the time, calling them "shamefully unconscientious". Commenting on them, he wrote "They equate words and phrases quite arbitrarily. If it suits them to count the article they count it."

With that said, he then goes on to say, "That this Cabbala exists is nevertheless certain. The correspondences in the Apocalypse in connection with the series 111 to 999 is undeniably intentional. Nor can it be an accident that Mithras (360) was altered to Meithras (365) to suit the correction of the calendar."

"My preliminary studies, however, tended to discourage me, for the fourfold reason above stated," but by calling this system "certain", it suggests he understood the importance of creating correspondences, even if it was manipulated to suit the desired outcome, as opposed to just divining the words objectively. Crowley knew that Greek was of great importance since it was represented so prominent in the correspondences of Liber AL (such as Agape and Thelema both equal 93).” -nox Absirk

SOMEONE COMMENTED ON THE ABOVE: “That is definitely true of dialects, spelling seems to be one of the biggest differences between them. I mainly studied attic but also read koine and Homeric in college, and was surprised by how similar the dialects are. I’m kind of surprised he didn’t just go with koine, since it is the language of the Bible and (I believe) the neoplatonists, and there is no other way than to just pick one and stick with it if you are making a dictionary of Greek cabbala.” - Grea K