I am for the streets (management edition)
Ladies…. you talked to him for a while but you have your mind made up. Tonight is the night. He comes over with a nice shirt on and shorts that are fitted smelling like a polo commercial. You wake up the next day. Birds chirping, squirrels jumping from branch to branch and see that he’s left already. You text him “good morning ❤️❤️” and he didn’t reply…. That was 2 days ago
Fellas…. You sweet talked her over. She came over smelling like strawberries and vanilla, short red skirt, some 3 inch heels. It’s 9:01pm and you go to the bathroom. When you come back the door has closed and she left. You messaged “I was hoping you’d stay” and you see that you were left on read…. That was 3 days ago
That is me with management 😭😭😭 I come to work when scheduled. When put in different areas I uplift my associates and get the best out of them. My rates are always at the top 5 and when asked “you should move up” that’s when I get ghost. I look good on paper and I know I can do the job but I am for the tier 1 streets. I don’t want a vest. I don’t want slack, I don’t want a zukey, I don’t want nothing to do with anything involving me moving up out of tier 1. I can come to work and work hard, get missing for a little bit and no one notices. I am comfy getting my 36 hours and going home and work gets done. I’ve had 5-6 conversations about “we’d love to have you move up” but I just give the old “I’ll think about it” and keep rolling 😂😂