AITA for taking a 26 min shower?

My partner lost their shit over how long I'd been in the shower. I am a female with longer thick hair, and I was doing what some refer to as a full body shower - washing, conditioning hair, shaving all, washing my body, my face, and then got out. My parter said they were running the sink for as long as I was in the shower and asked if I noticed how much water was wasted then. I asked how I'd be able to hear that run while I was in the shower. "Exactly." followed by other things. I added the songs I listened to while in the shower to their own playlist, totaled 26 minutes.
AITA for taking 26 minutes to "full body" shower? ETA: two of us in home, we have two full bathrooms, he showered last night, I showered this morning, and we had no plans for the day. I take this length shower once every 3-4 days, I don't shower every day (because I work from home), but if I do - I'm under 10 minutes with body washed and hair shampooed for a regular wash.