AITA for not giving my Dad $900?

I (18f) am still in high school and am working part-time at a grocery store, which doesn’t pay me much. Since I’m a student and heavily involved at my school, I don’t have much time to work and I work less than 10 hours a week. The week before this incident was my senior prom, and while my significant other paid for most of the expenses, I still had to pay for my dress, prom tickets, etc, which left me with less than $100 in my general bank account. I’m also planning on switching jobs soon, and my boss decided to put me on fewer hours because of this, so I don't get paid as much as I did before.

My Dad (54m) is currently working a high-paying job at a big company. Every day he comes home and he keeps working, which I don't mind. I end up doing a lot of the cleaning up and he does the cooking. Another detail I should add is that I am graduating high school very soon, and due to my involvement in the school, I have a lot of work to do for many different things. The night before the incident, I was swamped with a lot of homework from school and I didn’t have time to do a lot of cleaning around the house. My Dad had also ended up falling asleep after he came home from work, and before I went to bed, I woke him up and told him the time. I don’t know what happened after I woke him up however, as it was already close to 1 in the morning and I was exhausted.

The morning of the incident, my Dad woke me up 3 hours before I had to go to school (he goes to work at 7, and I wake up at 7). For some context, later in the day, my grandma is flying in from Mexico, and I thought that I could just finish cleaning after school since that day I get home much earlier than he does. He yells at me asking why I didn't clean everything and why I didn't wake him up. I tell him that I had homework to do and I did wake him up, but he says I was just talking back. Immediately after this, he asks me for $900 because a debt collector took that out from his paycheck. This is where I drew the line. I had less than $100 in my general account, and I have around $600 in savings, which in total adds up to not even $700. I tell him this and he starts calling me a horrible daughter, and how he raised me for nothing. After a few more minutes of these comments, I end up caving in and giving $200 from my savings account. He says he’ll pay me back, but he doesn't exactly have the greatest track record for paying people back. AITA for not giving him more money?