AIO for telling my boyfriend I’m done after he said I’m crazy for thinking this test is positive?

I gave birth 8 months ago to my daughter. The past few days, I haven’t felt like myself. Thursday in the middle of the day I suddenly felt super nauseous and then it went away after a while. Yesterday, same thing I got nauseous midday and then it went away. This was the first red flag that I may be pregnant. Last night before bed I got a cramp in my leg and rubbed it and realized my legs were slightly swollen and still were this morning, second red flag. I decided to take a pregnancy test because I just had this feeling I was pregnant so I took it and to me, it looks very positive. I would be super early and have experienced in the past that when it’s an early pregnancy, sometimes it shows up a bit faint and for me a negative result has never showed up like this and the results came up immediately when I took the test. I showed it to my boyfriend and told him it’s positive and he said, “No it’s not, dude that’s negative there’s only one line, the 2nd line is just apart of the test.” I explained to him that sometimes it can be a faint line but still positive and that I have several pregnancy symptoms and that if I am pregnant we need to figure out what to do because we have struggled to get by with our first baby. He got pissed and said I’m fucking crazy always thinking I’m pregnant and that I’m just mentally ill and seeing shit that isn’t there. This upset me and I told him I’m over this shit and going to my moms and I’ll take care of everything myself. AIO or does this look like a positive?