AIO - Teacher has joined in with the bullying

Preface: My 7yo and neighbor kid (7yo, let's call her A) have been friends since grade 1. A new friend (7yo, let's call her L) joined this year and have been causing so much drama for my kid.

J has always been about truth and justice. J stands up for everyone and isn't afraid of telling someone not to do something wrong. But that might be the trigger to all of this. A and L love being naughty, bullying others, controlling what other friends are allowed and not allowed to do, talking about boys and kissing, and LYING. Ofc naturally, my kid would say "hey don't do that (ie lie), it's not appropriate" etc, you get the idea.

Well, leading up to today, other dramas have resulted in my child getting in trouble by this one particular teacher based on A & L's narrative. J has come home to voice this a few times, but none of which was severe like today. At least I feel like today's incident highly unnecessary and highly inappropriate.

Today: Birthday invitations were given out in secret. The venue of my child's choice has limited space. She made a list and sent invitations as everyone would normally. A is our neighbor and I am friends with the parents. A must have told L about it and L must have told their teacher about it. Their teacher (let's name her R), pulled my kid out of class. My kid's teacher questions nothing and allowed it to happen. R starts the convo with "you're not in trouble" (as per my kid) and then precedes to mention something about "keeping secrets".

Confused and scared, my kid responds "not sure" R then says "you're a smart girl, I know you're lying, you shouldn't keep secrets from everyone" Still confused, my kid responds again "I'm not sure" By this point my kid is broken and doesn't remember what else happens other than going back into class in tears.

C attempts to comfort my kid (as per my kid and verified by her bestie). The entire class witnessed from inside the class and have been bothering my kid with questions of what and why. J still doesn't know why or what caused this. I'm trying to assess and put the puzzle pieces together.

Nobody has notified me of this.

After school pick up was heart breaking. My kid doesn't even cry when J gets severely injured. And seeing J cry just made me livid!

My assessment concluded to 1. Why was it R's business to begin with? 2. Why was I not notified of the incident? 3. Why did C let this happen? 4. I should contact C before reaching out to principal

After waiting an hr of no response from C, I reached out to principal's contact. Still no response. I plan to march right to the office and wait until they will see me.

Additionally, AIO to want the following: 1. Request for that teacher to stay away from my child 2. Draw the line with neighbor

Please help!

Edit: Missed some deets 1. C is my kid's teacher 2. Adding that A&L just recently took something of my kid's and used it without permission as well as gave bits of it away to others.