AIO about my wife is taking the election results out on me
My (33) wife (34) is an incredible person, working her way up in the male dominated field of car servicing where she now runs an entire brand and I couldn’t be prouder to support her in every way I can.
However, since the election I have been walking on egg shells because of her fears of a more conservative country and last night I made my first big mistake. We were laying in bed watching the game and I tried to initiate sex. We have a very active/healthy sex life so this usually isn’t a big deal. Last night though my wife said, “Well I guess consent doesn’t matter anymore, you might as well **** me.”
When she said that I was devastated and I still am today. I have never come close to forcing a woman into anything. We have been married for 7 years. We have two daughters that I want the world for. Now because of something completely out of my control I’ve been relegated to just a man, the enemy in her mind. I don’t want this to sound vitriolic. I get her apprehensions. Especially since she works in a field with so many conservative men and the rhetoric around the election was incredibly nasty occasionally. However, I feel like I went from loving husband and father to dangerous predator overnight though no action of my own.
As soon as she made this comment I buried myself in my phone and pretended to be falling asleep. It did not feel like we could have a healthy discussion in that place and what am I going to say anyways? I don’t want to dismiss her feelings but I also don’t want to have comments like that levied at me.
She wanted to be very affectionate this morning but I just wasn’t feeling it.
TLDR: AIO for avoiding the advances of my wife after she equated me to a sexual predator?
Edit: To address the elephant, I voted blue in a state where it had absolutely no impact.
Edit 2: I saw the question “how did I initiate sex?” multiple times so I want to address that. We were just in bed messing around with each other, teasing, talking, being playful. When I rolled over to actually touch her instead of just talking shit is when she made the comment and no further attempt was made by me.
This was on Thursday night. The vibe in our house was good. We hadn’t talked about the election since the day before. We had sex before work where she initiated and was completely comfortable with all things sexual.