So my mum stayed with us after I had my son because I needed her help it was a few days after I had him she only stayed for 3 days because I wanted her there she would of stayed longer but my partner made her feel real uncomfortable, my partner was no help and was just drunk every night .. thank god for my mumma! . So my partner was winging to his parents that my mum was over for so long and was doing nothing when She was infact there for me she was absolutely not not doing nothing. she lives far away so coming and going was not an option unlike his parents who live around the corner . I’m really upset about this how he’s treated my mum and still says she didn’t need to be there … I think weather I’ve had a baby or not my mum can stay as long as she likes and feel comfortable at her daughters home. She is absolutely no bother at all. AIO for not letting this go I’m Pretty sure I’m breaking up with him over this makes me feel sick in my stomach thinking about it .