Girl driving an orange convertible mustang on i87 south at around 9 am on 1/26

Please for the good of all, never drive a car again. If I see this car again, I will be calling the plate in for reckless driving and endangering the safety of everyone on the road. I am missing the last two characters on the plate or I would’ve called it in.

Within a 5 mile segment, she switched in and out of the right two lanes over a dozen times thinking she knew how to be cool and drive. In doing so nearly crashed into 3 other cars and in addition caused a tracker trailer to slam on their brakes and almost get rear ended. And to top it off, while in the middle lane and I am almost even with her in the left lane, she attempts to turn into my lane. Only to look at me in disbelief and disgust that I laid onto the horn.

I do not post this lightly. It was seriously the worst driving I’ve ever witnessed. Please if you see this car and it even do one thing stupid, call in the plate. Someone is going to get killed by her if not.