My TNO mod Gameplay in 1968 With Goëring Germany

Territories under the Reich in 1968 Rk Norway Finland Rk Moscow Rk Ostland Rk Caucasus Rk ukraine Rk belgium-france Switerzland Rk poland Slovakian State Allies of The Reich: Hungary Romania Bulgaria

Also fun lore fuct in mid 1967 there has been a third german Civil war that Turned nuclear and destroyed most of the Reich Major cities killing Milions

also Reich Data Population in november 1968 215 000 000 Economy size in November 1968 66 000 000 New Capital of The German Reich: Münich

Territories under the Reich in 1968 Rk Norway Finland Rk Moscow Rk Ostland Rk Caucasus Rk ukraine Rk belgium-france Switerzland Rk poland Slovakian State Allies of The Reich: Hungary Romania Bulgaria

Also fun lore fuct in mid 1967 there has been a third german Civil war that Turned nuclear and destroyed most of the Reich Major cities killing Milions

also Reich Data Population in november 1968 215 000 000 Economy size in November 1968 66 000 000 New Capital of The German Reich: Münich