How to stop getting the ick from anything drug-related?

I'm 31. I've known since I was a kid that drugs were not for me. However, I'm also a "try everything once" kind of person, so I've smoked a few joints, done edibles, and taken exactly one ecstasy pill in my life. I had very standard experiences with all of those, and I hated them all. Confirmation that drugs just aren't for me.

However, I know a lot of people who do enjoy using drugs. And I just can't help but feel what I guess we call the ick from them. It starts with a small amount of judgment of them and grows into full-on disgust. As soon as I find out a friend is a casual drug user, I'm unable to continue that friendship. It might take a few months, but I always have a hard time reconciling the fact that someone enjoys being high with them being a respectable person.

I think the correct answer here is that everyone is allowed to do what they want. And I actually totally agree with this. I'm for total decriminalization of drugs. I just can't seem to apply that to my personal life. Any tips on ways to reframe drug use in my mind would be super helpful.