Need breakup advice
My boyfriend for over 1 year and a half broke up with me due to constant arguing and fighting, he said that he is tired of all the constant arguing and that it's draining him, and considering all the college pressure he’s in, it’s draining him even more. I really understand him because I was starting to get drained too. He still loves me and cares for me deeply, but it feels like he doesn’t know exactly what he wants (even he confirmed it) and he keeps resisting me even though he loves me and wants to be with me.
After he broke up with me we talked about it and we came to an agreement. He said that he feels like he needs time and space to rest and regain energy after all the fighting, and think and reflect on all the conflicts that happened during our relationship. And i need that too. We’re still broken up, but we agreed to do “no contact” for around 3 weeks and use that time to both reflect on our relationship and calm down from all that was happening. After the 3 weeks pass we're gonna reconnect and start talking again and have a conversation about how these three weeks had passed, then we will decide if we're gonna proceed with the breakup or slowly get back on our feet. He made it clear that nothing is for sure, and he doesn't know what will happen, and that we should both be prepared and accept any outcome from one another, but deep down he does want everything to get solved.
I’m not gonna lie, I was mostly the one starting the fights, and I did some wrongs. And after reflecting on our relationship and spending some time with myself, I noticed that it was me mostly who brought us into this situation, I let my fear get the best of me and I was always scared to show my true self and be vulnerable, I was always in defense mode and always scared to show what I truly feel, and that has led to so many problems, he has always been loving and supportive, no matter what and he has stayed with me through everything and what hurts is that I understand the frustration he’s feeling and the tiredness. It was hard for me at first to acknowledge what wrongs I did, but I feel like it was a really big step for me in order to get better and work on myself.
After the break up, I realized so many things and instantly I went back to therapy and I’m working on myself so much and a lot has changed, like a lot! I don’t even recognize the person I was before and I don’t understand how I was like that. I’m working on myself every day more and more, and I have every intention of fixing it. Since he's the one who broke up with me, it's mostly his decision, so i’m asking for serious advice on how to show him I changed. I have no clue how to show the person in front of me that I’ve changed and I have no clue how to prove myself to them .
And it’s important for me to clarify that these changes I did not make only for him and only for the sake of our relationship I made them because I realized that these traits cannot continue with me because I will always end up in the same situation. So these changes I made for myself before I made them for him.
I really need some outside perspective and outside advice on how to show him the changes that I have made, and maybe some advice on what changes need to be done in a situation like this or just anything related to the situation I’m in.
Thank you for reading .