How can I be the bigger person?
TW: miscarriage
Back in March I(30f) found out I was expecting my first baby. My partner and I were ecstatic. We told our close friends and family. It was too early to tell people and I regret that, but I was just so excited. Flash forward to May- we’re going to make a long story semi short- I went in to the ER first for a threatened mc and was on bedrest. I then went on to fully miscarrying at 7w3d. My body didn’t let go so I had to have a d&c. It was absolutely traumatizing and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Miscarriages are horrendous on your mind, body, and soul. I told my best friends about it as it was happening because I needed support. This one particular friend responded with some kind words. The grieving process was intense and I told this one friend (we’ll call her C) about how I was feeling just about everyday. During this time C was in a group chat with some other friends (who all knew what was going on) and she, out of the blue, starts to say things such as “man I really need someone to take my vape I think I’m pregnant”. That was the first wtf moment. Then she ramped it up. She was constantly in the gc talking about how she thought she was pregnant. Everyone in the gc ignored it and I got texts on the side like what the fuck is she doing? She then texts me separately and says something else alluding to thinking she was pregnant. At first I was kind and gave her short answers. After about a couple days of this shit I snapped and said “okay so are you pregnant? Because I’m currently wearing a diaper from losing mine. So take a test and then talk to me”. She replies with “I’m sorry I didn’t even think about how this would make you feel” like what the actual fuck? I took my space after that. The next week my other friend comes by my house and tells me that she is indeed pregnant. I didn’t know how to feel and I felt guilt I couldn’t feel truly excited like I should for my friend. My emotions were everywhere. Never once did I feel contempt, however. I just felt out of sorts. Plus I was still angry about her complete disregard for my feelings. I took some time to think about it and sent her a message saying “woman to woman, I need you to give me some time. I don’t want to say anything out of deep grief that I don’t mean and I can never take back. I am genuinely happy for you and have your back through everything this life brings us. Right now, I need to heal. Take care of yourself and don’t over do it. Embrace every moment of what you’re feeling and enjoy it. I’ll be around when I’m ready.” She said “I understand”. Flash forward to this week. I just heard from our other best friend that she is going around telling other friends that I’m mad at her that she’s pregnant and I’m not. I’m so fucking… I can’t even explain this feeling. I’m hurt, I’m angry, I’m disgusted, and I’m having an extremely hard time letting it go. Should I confront her or do I just let this 14+ year friendship die? P.s. If you’ve gotten this far, thank you. And if you have any advice what so ever I would really appreciate it.