Mother is gatekeeping my pills

I (15) was diagnosed with depression and adhd around last november. The therapist told my mother that medication was pretty much mandatory for me or i'll probably attempt to strangle myself with my shoelaces (i was extremely suicidal). Even then my mother hated the idea of putting me on meds because of the "harmful chemicals" and "why are we exposing our kids to such drugs". I should note that she has no problem with other types of medication, just the type used to treat mental illness. She did give me the medication for a few months to her credit, but i've noticed how she's doing it less and less. I'm very forgetful, so i didn't really notice until recently. I overheard her telling someone that "she's trying to wean me off the medication because if i'm not fixed by now then i'm not trying to be fixed." I know that if i confront her she'll go absolutely batshit (she's kinda narcissistic) and probably try to play the victim, as usual. I'm really in a bind here, and i've felt the depression coming back and hitting hard for the last month. What should I do?