What even is “healthy” anymore?

Maybe this is the wrong place for this, but it’s the best and most gentle place that I can think of to start.

I’m trying to start eating healthy, but I just cannot for the life of me understand this whole healthy thing. It seems like every time something is considered healthy, there’s something that comes up right after that makes it unhealthy.

Soda is full of sugar which is bad, but don’t drink diet sodas because the aspartame is bad. Fruit is natural and full of good stuff, but it has way too much sugar so it’s bad even if it’s natural sugar. Rye bread has less sugar than white bread which is good, but it’s a carbohydrate so it’s bad.

Like I feel like it never ends, and it’s so overwhelming. I have no idea how to pick through the information that is good and which is BS. I’m really just looking for ways to save money and time because I’ll be a student in a super intensive program soon.

Any suggestions/advice/support is appreciated.