Why so many americans try to sound this specific way?

No matter what game I'm playing online, no matter the age of the players, they all sound super tired, as if they're depressed, as if they just finished a 12 hour shift at a factory, as if they're smoked up and can't barely talk, as if they don't care about anything in the world, all nonchalant like, but here's the thing: they sound "as if" all that, like they're clearly emulating these personas and you can clearly tell that as shit happens in-game or as they talk to people around them...

Honestly I don't mind the uncaring pretend attitude, I'm honestly curious as to what's up with that, who is it that they are emulating? like I can see how that makes sense on teenage boys, but it goes way beyond that demographic from what I see so there's gotta be an explanation to this phenomenon.

Also I noticed that this usually comes with a clearly fake deep voice, mostly raspy, that sounds like a male version of valley girl accent throatspeak, these ones tbh get tiring very quickly and I quickly find someone one new to play with lol

This might come off as bit of a roast but I swear that's not what I'm going for here, I tried googling so much of the internet for this but I guess I can't find the right references or terms to search.