Need advice on ways to keep paint from bleeding under this stencil I'm cutting out.

This is a project I've been working on for my wife as an anniversary gift. She is very artistic and loves to paint, draw, and write. I'm almost done cutting this stencil out, and will be placing the cut out design on the front of a wooden canvas that I turned into an easel. I am making a portable art and poetry carrying case. It will be made of 2 wooden canvases hinged together. The back of it is an easel and I'm going to paint this stencils design onto it. I am worried that this will bleed paint under the design and not come out looking correct. I got some double sided tape to see if that might work, but I wanted some advice on getting this cut out design to be painted well onto the wooden canvas without paint bleeding under and ruining the design.

This is a project I've been working on for my wife as an anniversary gift. She is very artistic and loves to paint, draw, and write. I'm almost done cutting this stencil out, and will be placing the cut out design on the front of a wooden canvas that I turned into an easel. I am making a portable art and poetry carrying case. It will be made of 2 wooden canvases hinged together. The back of it is an easel and I'm going to paint this stencils design onto it. I am worried that this will bleed paint under the design and not come out looking correct. I got some double sided tape to see if that might work, but I wanted some advice on getting this cut out design to be painted well onto the wooden canvas without paint bleeding under and ruining the design.