Can no longer shoot from flyer back after v58.48 on ASA.
Hello ARK Reddit!
My friends and I have rented out a Nitrado Server to play some ASA, and I help admin the server. After a long break from ASE we came back to ASA and were surprised to see that we could shoot from flyer back/any dino. I don't believe we made any changes regarding this, we have a made the usual parameter changes to rates, added a few mods and we're generally enjoying ourselves.
Sometime around the v58.48 release we suddenly weren't able to shoot from flyer back. The usual list of dinos you can from the back of on the ground still applies, but lost the former. I spent sometime trying to research if there was a setting we accidentally ticked on at the server configuration wiki, or looking at related forum/Reddit posts but I turned up empty handed. We're utterly baffled that an update reverted a setting somewhere and wanted to open the question to see if we weren't just being gaslit by the game or if maybe it was a mod setting that was changed with the updates?
Upgrade Station
Radical Spoiler
More Metal Tier Items
B+ Structures
Klinger Additional Structures
Super Spyglass Plus
Cyrus Critters
Moro's Gigantophis
If it somehow makes the difference, the last three creatures mods were only added recently around the same time we lost the ability to shoot from any dino.
Thank you for your time!