Self Study?

Hi, I was just wondering if anybody had anybody had any suggestions if i should self study an extra ap this year, or if i should just leave it as is. also if i did self study what one should i self study.

I took AP CSP and AP World last year, which was mandatory(sophomore), and this year I’m taking APUSH, which is mandatory, and APES. However, Juniors are also supposed to take AP lang, but they fucked up my schedule and put me in the AP lang opt-out class. They are not changing my schedule since there’s no more space left in AP lang.

I feel bad taking only 2 APs junior year, and I’m wondering if it would be worth it to self study an extra AP. I’m good at math so I was considering self studying AP stats, or, since i’m taking reg Pre-Calc right now, taking the AP precalc test.