"Fast X" A-List pocket Review (IMAX)

Well it is hard to believe that it has been just about 22 years (!!) since I saw the first "Fast and Furious" film in the theater. Bill Clinton had been out of office for just a few months, and sadly, 9/11 was a few months yet to come in the future. An era of boy bands (Backstreet Boys vs NSync!), Britney Spears and well, tiny Japanese cars souped up with NOS.

Anyway, for at least five iterations, I haven't had much hope for these "FF" films, even though I always see them. IMO the series jumped the shark - literally, probably - when they rebooted in 2009. But that's the thing about this unique franchise - the movies are critically bulletproof because their sheer outlandish absurdity has become their charm, their attraction. For me too.

And let me tell you, "Fast X" sets a new standard in those areas, and given the history of this franchise that is saying something. They say "FX" cost over $300m, and I believe it. Things get blown up all over the place for two hours, and then there is the acting bill, as just about every "big name" action star this side of Arnold Schwarzenegger makes an appearance (Arnie doesn't, btw). And we get the fetching Brie Larson, and Michelle Rodriguez looking better than she did two decades ago. And lots of talk about Dom and his family, amidst the maelstrom.

Bottom line - if you are a fan of this franchise I don't see how you don't like this movie. It has everything we want in a "Fast Furious" film, and then some.

C+ .... This is what a big Hollywood studio is for, no one else can make spectacles like this.

PS - This film is not formatted for IMAX, we get bars top and bottom the whole movie.

PSS - There are stylized credits, then a mid-credit scene.