AITA for getting angry with my husband for reading personal messages between me and a female friend?

I’ve never done this before and never posted here at all so please excuse my ignorance. I’m going to do the best I can.

I (30, female) am married to my husband (35, male). We have been married a few years and have a daughter together. We knew each other back in high school and dated for a while but eventually broke up and went our separate ways. We reconnected later in life and are now married. Honestly ever since I’ve known him he has always been the type to want to go through my phone ever so often and read messages, be nosy, and I’m honestly not sure why. I do not do this to him. Ever. Maybe I did a few times back when we were kids dating in high school but since becoming an adult and being married I just don’t see the point. I trust him so why would I need to go through his phone? He doesn’t think this way. He still goes through my things constantly. What makes it even worse is that he tries to be sneaky about it. He doesn’t pick up my phone to look, he goes and uses another device that my phone is linked to. Like my Apple watch or laptop. I’m not sure why he treats me this way either because I’ve never cheated on him. Ever. Never gave him a reason not to trust me. It feels awful when he does this. Makes me feel like I don’t deserve his trust and I’ve not done anything wrong. Anyway, on to what happened tonight. I was texting a good friend of mine, (25 female). We were discussing all sorts of things. And we have discussed super personal things before about her life and past as well as mine. I’ve never deleted any of our messages so they are all still there. Apparently he used the laptop to look through and read a lot of our messages. I know this because he told on himself. I said something in one of the messages and he wanted to ask me about it. It was about something regarding my past before I even knew him. I guess curiosity killed the cat and he just had to ask me. I blew up on him when I found out he had read our messages because to me it felt violating. It felt icky and creepy. Why would a grown man want to read messages between two females? Between his wife and her close friend? It gave me the ick. Big time. I told him it gave me the ick because she had told me some very private things no one else should be reading. I told him it was wrong of him to read our conversation because the messages weren’t just his wife’s. They also belonged to someone else ( my friend) and she would not be okay with him reading some of the things she has sent me in the past. So I feel like he violated her as well. It just feels icky and I don’t like it. His response to me was that we are married and he has every right to read any of my messages he chooses to read because I’m his partner and that’s how literally everyone else does in their relationships as well. He sees nothing wrong with what he did. I’m super upset over this and have threatened leaving over it. AITA?