AITAH for telling our neighborhood that the new neighbor is a convicted sex offender?
I live in a pretty quiet, family oriented neighborhood. One day, while having a conversation with a friend, we decided to check Megan’s Law to see if there were any sex offenders in our neighborhood. I then discovered that the guy that JUST moved into our neighborhood is not only a sex offender but had been in prison for assaulting several young girls (under the age of 14) We live close to an elementary school. Far enough that he can legally live there but close enough that a lot of kids walk or ride their bikes to school. I immediately started alerting our neighbors, especially those that have small children. Well the guys wife found out and is super mad. She said I ruined his chance at a fresh start and his chance to redeem himself. I just felt that parents have a right to know. AITAH?
I could be the AH because maybe it wasn’t my news to spread and what if he was trying to start over?