AITA for cheating on my wife
NSFW since this talks about sex For starters, yes I know I'm TA for this. This is also going to be quite long, sorry. I just needed an outlet to tell my story before I decide to tell my wife about what I did. I know once I tell her, everything will change. For reference I am M45, my wife is F42. We have two girls together F7 and F4.
Me and my wife have been together for 16 years, married for 8. Ever since the birth of our youngest daughter, Katie (fake name), our sex life has basically become non-existent. I will come home from a long day at work hoping to have a nice dinner on the table and then have her put our girls to bed and give me some much needed sexual pleasure to help me relax. Before Katie, I could expect this almost every day after work. Afterwards, i might not as well even think about it. Theres no way my wife wants to do that anymore.
Before you go commenting, yes I did talk to her about it. Many times. I told her how stressed I was and how much I needed that outlet to relax from my long stressful day at work. I don't think she cares at this point. She tells me if I need an outlet that bad, to go in the bathroom and get myself off. Well I've been doing that. What does she do? Get mad at the "porn girls" she sees in my Snapchat. When she is the one who told me to go jerk off.
Anyways, all of this brings me to Veronica (fake name) F34, my coworker. She started working at my job about a year ago. We instantly became great friends and ended up confiding in each other about our relationship/family problems. She thought my wife was being unreasonable about the pictures of the Snapchat women she found in my phone. Veronicas understanding of me is phenomenal. I soon began to really resent my wife and my feelings for Veronica grew.
I didn't think Veronica felt the same way. I felt guilty and tried to hide how I felt. But I think Veronica saw right through me, I don't know how. Eventually after work when I was about to go home she invited me to go to dinner and hangout at hers for awhile. So yes, I texted my wife and just told her I was working later. She didn't question it.
I did end up going with Veronica. It really felt like the most amazing few hours of my life. Over dinner we had the most amazing conversation and I slept with her at her place. I just remember thinking how attractive she was, I wasn't thinking about my wife at all. I was very reluctant to go home. But since I've been home (now 3 days since this incident) I have been feeling so guilty. I want to tell my wife but don't know how. I probably won't be able to see my girls again. I've been sort of avoiding Veronica at work but it's hard since I see her multiple times a day, and we make small talk. There's been a few flirty exchanges and Veronica says she wants to have me over sometime again. I am very tempted to go but feel horrible about what I'm doing to my wife. Any advice? Yes, I know I'm TA.