AITAH for not giving in to my husband's obsession over having a medicine cabinet?
For aesthetic purposes I purchased beautiful and unique mirrors to go above our new vanity and my husband is throwing a fit because he wants a medicine cabinet. We've lived in our outdated home 15 years and the only thing I've done inside is paint and replace the kitchen floor. We've replaced siding, roof and windows so he wouldn't have to paint. He finally gave me the green light to remodel our master bath and I've done extensive research to get the best quality for the cheapest price. He's been passive aggressive throughout - one minute not caring what vanity I order - "Just pick one out" and the next having an absolute fit because I ordered beautiful gold framed mirrors instead of medicine cabinets. I've tried to reason with him explaining that the vanity has twice as many drawers as the current one, offering to hang decorative baskets in the side wall to store toiletries, adding a freestanding linen closet for extra storage, etc. He refuses to compromise and just walks away. I get that change is hard for him but I don't consider this a huge change. Would love to hear from others.