AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend because of her religion?
I (25F) am a lesbian and my (25F) ex-girlfriend and I recently broke up.
Before I start, sorry for my broken English. I don’t want to offend anybody with this.
I was born into a catholic-atheist household. My grandparents were christian and both of my parents are atheists. Through my whole life, they gave me the choice of choosing my religion, they said they’ll accept me no matter what happened.
I met my ex-girlfriend almost two years ago, we met through a friend in common and started dating six months into our friendship. She told me she was Kurdish (I’m Korean and Serbian) and of course, I was okay with it. She explained a lot of things about Kurdistan and how their people are oppressed, I really liked learning about it since I studied political science.
She was a Yezidi, I think that’s how you spell it. She told me her religion didn’t forbid LGBT people nor relationships, but I questioned her since all middle eastern religions forbid and punish those who go against the rules.
I tried to investigate about it but I found absolutely nothing online, and I didn’t know any other people who were from that religion.
We had a lot of disagreements, she supported Kosovo independence and I didn’t, she supported Ukraine and I didn’t, she supported a lot of things I didn’t. But of course, that was okay with me, since our relationship wasn’t based on those things anyway.
But it all fell down when the Israel-Palestine conflict became a daily thing. She kept telling me about it and I asked why did she care so much, since Muslims committed a genocide against her religion. She got mad at me and didn’t give me an explanation.
We both live in Europe and there’s a big problem with mass illegal immigration here. Once I posted a comment on a reel in Instagram and she saw it. She got mad at me. The comment said something about Switzerland banning the burqa and how I agreed with it. She sent me a screenshot of it and started to argue with me, saying I was becoming “an extremist” and a “leftist”.
I told her that was just my opinion and that it didn’t affect her in anything since we’re both legal citizens. She still got mad at me.
In another occasion, a friend of mine made a joke about Saudi Arabia and I laughed. She got mad at me for laughing.
She got mad at me for not supporting islam (because it goes against my human rights) and I kept asking her why did she care so much since she was raised to be against islam. She even had told me that if the Turkish government found out she was a Yezid, they’d send someone to kill her. So I really didn’t understand.
She told me if I continued to have that ideology, she’d leave me.
I told her I just wouldn’t change my way of thinking, and that she was free to block me on social media to not see those comments. She got mad at me and threatened to leave me again.
She told me in her religion, her father could kill her for being a lesbian, but that he actually wouldn’t because they didn’t follow such traditions.
I’m really confused. I don’t think I’m an extremist. Every time the Israel-Palestine conflict came up I had to close my mouth immediately or she would give me the ice treatment (ignoring me and not replying even if we were next to each other).
I support Russia and Israel, but I of course don’t agree with war nor innocent people getting killed. She supports Palestine and is neutral about the Russo-Ukrainian war.
She could have a say about the Kosovo independence, but if I mentioned Kurdistan I was doomed for life.
I just don’t know, did I overreact by breaking up with her? It was impossible to talk with her anyway, I’m really confused.