AITA for suggesting my date shouldn’t leave her drink unattended?

Last Saturday I (M36) went on a first date via Tinder The date went fine at first, we ordered some wine, had good chemistry and an all around fun time. Eventually my date (W29) got up to go to the bathroom and in doing so, left her wineglass unattended, which was still full. When she came back I said to her: „Just fyi, you shouldn’t leave your glass unattended like that when you go out on a first date with a stranger. You should finish your glass before you go to the bathroom. Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything, but if I was secretly some shady guy out to drug and assault you, that would have been the perfect opportunity.“

After I had said that the date went off the rails. She got really defensive, asked why I would say that, that it’s none of my business, that it’s a creepy thing to say, etc. Then she briefly went off about what I said was victim-blaiming and a few minutes later she left. While I’m perfectly happy to admit that me saying that was not a good strategy in order to keep the nice and comfy mood of the date going, I’m wondering if it really was an uncalled and inappropriate thing an asshole would say. I’d say no, because it’s all around smart advice, but I’ll leave the verdict up to you.