Shitpost: Is Free Kick Curnow the real enemy?

So in last night's thread, I saw the free kick Curnow meme being pedalled unironically once again. Congratulations ya got me.

I have decided to conduct a very scientific longitudinal study of notable AFL key forwards over the past three seasons, presented below using my table sorted on the golden ratio (goals to free kicks).

McKay 123 95 1.29
Naughton 130 72 1.81
Amiss 81 44 1.84
Larkey 155 80 1.94
Wright 91 46 1.98
King 95 48 1.98
Curnow 202 98 2.06
Allen 73 34 2.15
Daniher 158 73 2.16
Lynch 78 35 2.23
Waterman 82 36 2.28
Hogan 161 58 2.78
Walker 152 52 2.92
Cameron 182 60 3.03
Hawkins 131 28 4.68

It shows that while Curnow is sort of near the front of the pack, he isn't any outlier, and it's actually McKay who deserves to be memed (although time spent in the ruck may imperil the accuracy of my very scientific analysis).

So next time some ignorant and un-woke-ified footy fan bemoans Curnow and his dastardly FKs, I wanna see you set the narrative straight on HARRY MCKAY 😠 and AARON NAUGHTON 🤬 and champion justice for Tom Hawkins. I know you'll be so keen.