ADHD and gifts

Hello everybody!

I have ADHD and I struggle with receiving gifts, if that's a thing. Nobody can ever get me a gift that I actually enjoy because I never wait to get something I really want and consider useful.

My birthday is comming up and people have started asking me the (dreadful) question "What do you want for your birthday?". I don't really want experiences, vouchers or money. At some point I almost got myself a GoPro but reached the conclusion that I would be excited about it for 2 days and then forget about it because I'm not big on physical activities so I told the to absolutely not get me one.

I have been looking into getting a SteamDeck recently, but I already have a pretty good gaming PC which I don't use. I also think it would be above their budget, which I'm guessing would be 300-400$. I also have a PS5, but I'm not fancying any game at the moment. I also have pretty much any piece of technology I could wish for and a good coffee machine.

Oganisers, calendars and books are not really my thing.

What would you recommend?