Do you guys know how to deal with “single track mind” while performing a task ?
This is honestly something that bothers me a lot, how despite being medicated or not I always end up hyper focusing on a single task and forget all the world around me and can be quite rude/straightforward with people and i always feel bad later on.
I’m a dental student, so i need to focus on my patients and performing my task under a specific amount of time, so whenever I need to talk with a teacher, ask a colleague of mine for a tool, book the patient on the secretary or any other stuff like this I always focus simply on “need to treat the patient” if someone passes by me ignore them, if they say “hi” i delay to reply, if they ask me for something usually i say “in a second” or “later” and when i finish my task i wonder “was i too rude with person A ?”, “what did person B wanted to tell me ?” “Is this why person C doesn’t talk with me anymore ?”
It’s very difficult for me to be both mindful of my surroundings/tasks and to not get anxious, because this is a important factor as well, i keep thinking that i need to be the “responsible one”, “the most productive and efficient person”, and yes most times i can, but at what cost ? I’m usually just stressing myself for the most vague reasons/principles.