How do I stop talking so much?
I feel like I talk way too much. When I’m with my friends I just go on and on and I find it so hard to not talk about everything going on in my life or what I’m thinking. I want to stop. I don’t like that I am just so open and my friends know my business. I talk a lot to people who aren’t even my friends either just other acquaintances in my class and my professors.
I talked to my therapist about it and she said it’s part of who I am and if my friends get annoyed then are they really my friends. And I’m like well shit I’m annoyed at myself so of course my friends are annoyed too. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that I want to change this about me. She said I do it cause I’m comfortable around people.
I usually catch myself about halfway through a conversation that I’ve been talking too long or for too much. I just want to be able to listen more and talk less but it’s like an annoying instinct :(