People building Smolder wrong, then blaming the balance team for an „awful patch“

While I do agree that Smolder is underpowered at the moment, the biggest issue with his low WR are the builds people go for.

Smolder currently sits at around 43.7% wr in E+ and many cite this to complain about how bad he and the patch supposedly are.

But this is due to 90% of players building ER and Shojin as first item on Smolder. If you select Triforce as ur first item his wr shoots up to 48.3% , yes while still being low it is far from awful.

Now, why am I writing an entire post about this? It is commonly known that players need time to adjust to new metas/build, so why talk about it?

Reason being that this is beyond the normal „learning period“. Most people dropped the Malignance/Eclipse build on Corki after 1/2 days, but somehow Smolder players don‘t. Are they simply being stubborn or like to lose more than they have to?