I rarely ever get mad but filling out the OCI Application has brought me so much rage

Not even exaggerating. I just don't really get angry much. But today, I got angry for the first time in years. Why? Because of this dumb AF OCI application process. I have a headache now.

1) The website sucks. The questions feel unclear. It is antiquated and ancient. Small start ups with low capital provide better HR software and user experience than this OCI application experience. HR software essentially is asking for documents and all that too and they have it down!

2) FAQs leave you with more questions than answers.

2) The whole "mark" thing...seriously, could not have worded that better?

3) The document checklist for adults- I spoke to VFS customer service and she was like, "you don't need an employment letter if you don't want to submit it"....okay, why would you list optional documents for an application and word it like its required? I understand if multiple options can be used for a specific requirement, but if you don't have a requirement of verifying current employment, why is it even an option? If you do have a reason, word it better.

4) I'm angry, hungry, and sad.