"1000% Awesome Forever": My personal take on 1000% Awesome


Hey everyone! Whenever I mention my modified version of "1000% Awesome" in comments, it generates a lot of curiosity and interesting discussions. So, I thought it would be useful to share my entire routine here for people to see, discuss, or even critique.

A Little About Me:

I'm a 41-year-old lifter with over 20 years of experience under my belt. I've been following the textbook 5/3/1 program since 2011, focusing primarily on the original 5/3/1 BBB (Big But Boring). I've reached either advanced or elite levels in my Big 4 lifts according to strength standards.

Being a dad to two kids under the age of 5, my priorities these days are:

  • Maintenance
  • Recovery & Safety
  • Lifelong sustainability

I've managed to design a routine that fits into a 3-day lifting schedule, with each workout taking less than 40-50 minutes (under 40 minutes is always the goal but... deadlifts).

The Journey to "1000% Awesome Forever":

After the birth of my second child, my free time became extremely limited. I was initially skeptical but pleasantly surprised to find that the "1000% Awesome" template allowed me to maintain my size and strength, despite a previous 4-day, higher-volume habit.

The caveat? I had to be more disciplined with my diet. But making healthier choices was second nature for me.

The Need for Adaptation:

While the original 1000% Awesome routine was effective, I found that the 5x5 sets at 80-85% following the main lifts started to take a toll on my recovery. Perhaps this was due to the fact that I'm operating at the upper limits of my body's capabilities.

Given my previous successes with the BBB template, I thought, "Why not combine the best elements of both?"

My version I dubbed "1000% Awesome Forever":


  • Training Max (TM): 85% for all lifts
  • Big But Boring (BBB): 50% for all lifts
  • 5s Pro for all lifts: No leaders, no anchors. Focus on strong, FAST reps. Speed is the key! Speed speed speed.


  • Monday: Squat 5s Pro, Bench BBB, Assistance
  • Wednesday: Deadlift 5s Pro, OHP BBB, Assistance
  • Friday: Bench 5s Pro, Squat BBB, Assistance

Off days: 1-2 mile walk around my neighborhood, first thing every morning.

No Deloads or 7th Week Protocol:

The second the weights slow down, I reset.

Consistent Assistance Work (always the same - RUN THIS AS A CIRCUIT):

  • Pull: Pull-ups (5x10 or 25-50 reps) - I do this because it grows my arms like I'm taking drugs and still being able to do 5 sets of 10 pull-ups doesn't let me outgrow my athleticism
  • Push: Push-ups (5x15-20 or 50-100 reps)
  • Core: Ab wheel rollouts (5x10 or 25-50 reps)

Do a circuit of pull-ups, push-ups, then ab wheels - rest for 60 seconds - then repeat for a total of 5 circuits.

Feel free to share your thoughts, critiques, or any questions you may have!