Print Orientation

Hi all...struggling with understanding print orientation, layer adhesion and strength for a specific model wanted to ask for advice with how to get something to print and last a few years.

I'm trying to print a multi-device mount for my bike to commute, centered on my handlebars over the front wheel (looks cleaner). I have a garmin computer, a camera, and a light, and currently most premade things on the market only support 2 of the 3 devices I'm using. I got a roll of ASA because it's supposed to be better for all conditions than ABS (it doesn't rain much where I live, but I get a lot of direct sunlight).

The earlier design I have worked great in PLA (above) as a test with 50% infill, I think it was rectilinear; however when I printed in ASA in the same orientation, taking the cycling computer off sheared both the bridges between the mounts off with the same infill % and pattern and orientation. As I'm trying to add a third mount, I'm not sure the best way to print these in an orientation that won't break when I hit a pothole. The combined weight is a couple of pounds, due to putting both lights on the same mount.

Second screenshot is the kind of layout I'd like to do. Something very low-profile and less obtrusive.

Examples of existing mounts that have conflicting print orientation info: