Botox break with lasting effects?
F36. I had Botox for the first time, luckily my skin is not very bad at all, I only had my 11s done as they were in the early stages of becoming static wrinkles. They were visible at rest but not very deep. My dermatologist did a great job and they are already starting to fade away. I love the look, but I really don’t like not being able to emote with my eyebrows. I still have movement but, I miss being able to convey certain emotions and I’m unable to make some of the faces that made me look like me.
I’m sure I’ll get used to it, but my dermatologist told me that it’s likely my 11s will easily be stomped out as they are not very deep at all and she has seen some people actually maintain a lasting effect after a few Botox treatments, meaning they were able to stop treatments and the static wrinkles did not return or returned greatly reduced for an extended period of time so essentially they can take a break from Botox for a while with some remaining results. Has anyone done this before? I’m happy my 11s are softened but I hate not having full range of movement. I feel like even though I am not fully frozen, it looks like I am in my face because I am usually very expressive. I think some people can pull off the frozen or semi frozen look and others simply cannot. When I frown now, it makes me look really ugly, my skin moves in a very unnatural way across my eyelids and it just looks really bad to me so I’m kind of leaning towards no more Botox because of this. Has anyone done Botox for a year or so and then discontinued with a lasting improvement in their wrinkles?