Titan Operator + Erebus + Artemis
I recorded this range session during the most recent holidays using an Aimcam Pro 3K that I got during the Black Friday sale. I thought it would be a little more user-friendly, and I am still trying to find the best way to mount the camera. This was also my first time editing a video.
The three Atlases that I am using are the Titan Operator, Erebus, and the Artemis. The Titan Operator shoots closer to the Artemis than the Erebus, with some trigger sluggishness. However, it is less front-heavy as it does not have a sight block. The ports allow it to return to zero quicker than the Artemis but slower than the Erebus. The Erebus will always be the king.
I didn’t realize until after the session that my optic plate was slightly loose on the Erebus, and it did not hold zero well. My grouping was off, and it's normally a lot more precise than what is shown in the video.
I have about 10,000 rounds through the Erebus, roughly 5,000 through the Artemis, and 100-200 through the Titan. I’d pick the Erebus over the Titan Operator, but the Titan Operator over the Artemis.